Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Top 5 Dailies to do in Chotopia

Hey Everyone,

I thought I'd come out with top five dailies you should do in Chotopia. As some individuals may not know what to do in Chotopia or are bored and want something to do, well here are my top five dailies that you can do or must-do during your day to day life in Chotopia.

1. Do your Chotopian Quests - This can be from Choproff to other quests in Chotopia. And if you didn't know, then you better start them, as they give items and/or bugs.

2. Do Missions from the Mission Agency - Bring a friend to play the Cow Mission and spend at least 30 minutes on feeding Daisy, and do your Nicho Kingdom Mission once a day.

3. Do at least three Minigames - From Space Racing to Sweet Battle or even Garbage Collector, these are Minigames you should do every day to keep yourself from being bored.

4. Do your Weekly Challenges - This is found on the Dashboard on the side of your map, there are weekly challenges to do that you can do, and if you do complete them you get cool prizes!

5. Do your Daily Spin the Wheel - Make sure you spin the daily wheel, as Chotopia gives you one spin a day and sometimes you can get sweet prizes from the spins.

What kind of dailies do you do every day? Are you going to do some of these dailies?
Let us know in the comments below!


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