Saturday, February 15, 2020

Interviewing Jasmingirl the Moderator

Hey Everyone,

Today, I thought I'd interview Jasmingirl about her position as a Moderator. She has been with us since November 2019, and as a valuable member, she and many staff are respected for their work here at Chotopia keeping it alive and active as possible. Please be sure to say hello to Jasmingirl!
Firstly, how long have you been a staff member for?
I'm not sure but I think since November 2019.

How have you enjoyed your position? Has it been going well?
Ooh yeah - I enjoy being a Staff Member, also posting on the main blog for Chotopia has been enjoyable, and being there as a contact point for help.

What do you like about your position as staff?
I like to improve the game with some ideas, hosting events, planning them and adding them to a document. Since I was a child I looked up to the mods. Now I am one and enjoying this really well. Fun fact: I was an Agent on .de.

Are there any new plans for the future of Chotopia?
We're currently designing some new items and try to develop some new Events. Also, we're trying to have a contest and every second contest, there will be a creative competition.

Are there times where your role as staff gets difficult? When do you think this happens? This can be a form of college or even work.
Ooh, I mean Chotopia is a part of my free time. I'm a college student and having a mini job. So when I have a day like Uni plus Work, I can't take part in daily Cho, as I have to dedicate my time there.

Do you think Chotopia has a lot to improve?
I mean we have construction sites but nothing impossible to be done! We're trying to hire a new Developer to be able to change over our ideas into reality.

And finally, if you had the chance of making a minigame, what would it be and what kind of game would it be? 
We love to play hangman or Pictionary here at the Wall. What about a little mini-game like that? Maybe memory would also be really cool here in Chotopia. If NPC's count to be a minigame: I wanna redesign Cupid, and include all cho's who have done all missions.

What an incredible staff member, but that doesn't mean that Jasmingirl is the only staff who gets this, all of the staff are well respected for their work at Chotopia and I hope to interview as many as I can.
What do you think of Jasmingirl? Do you think she is doing great?
Let us know in the comments below!


  1. Nice one! Lol, thanks for interviewing me. Hopefully the community thinks that I'm doing great :D!

    1. I think you're doing an amazing job jas:D, cool to know more about you, great interview as well honest:)


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