Tuesday, February 4, 2020

January's Most Active

Hey Everyone,

There's an active member of the Chotopia Community who I've seen being very active. Nightfury0 is the active Chotopian of January as he spent 70 hours on Chotopia last month! The loyalty and activity of this has allowed them to become the January's Most Active Chotopian. They are rewarded $2.50 from Chotopia Staff in the Chotopia Market, as well as a unique shirt. Congratulations to Nightfury0 for being the most active that month!

Next up, there's going to be a Tug o' War Contest. Starting from the 1st of February until the 9th February there is an on-going contest going on. Can you prove that you're the strongest Chotopian? Battle out your friends or even Chotopian's around you at Rope Street.

The top three winners will receive sweet prizes so be sure to participate!

What do you think of January's Most Active? Do you think you'll be able to achieve that?
How about the Tug o' War Contest? Are you going to participate?
Let me know what you think about this in the comments below!


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