Thursday, March 5, 2020

TV Contest and Garbage Collector Party

Hey Everyone,

The TV Contest has begun! Starting Monday the 2nd of March 2020 until Sunday the 15th March 2020, this will be a fantastic competition to participate in; as you'll have fun with this one. Well, let's dive into it all.
This image is by Jasmingirl, ft. Jasmingirl, her post found here.
Here are the rules and guidelines:

1. You have to Interview a Nicho.
2. It can look how you'd like it to be, but you need to use the template.
3. Make sure your TV Contest is yours and an original of your own.

This is the template that you need to use to participate:

You have a chance to win a remote control, and some good rewards!
Good luck, everyone! I hope that you do well in this contest.

And whilst we haven't had just enough party, there is going to be a Garbage Collector Party on the 4th March 2020 at 7pm Cho Time. Make sure to come, as everyone will be playing Garbage Collector and trying to help our great cleaner Christochob. Who knows? You might find that a new secret item will be revealed to you, all will be set in motion if you participate.

Will you be participating in this TV Contest?
Let us know in the comments below!


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Announcement: The blog is having difficulties with the template formatting and will be fixed soon. As always thanks for being patient with me.


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