Tuesday, March 3, 2020

February's Most Active

Hey Everyone,

Today, we are going to talk about February's Most Active.

We must give a big cheer for Honest who achieved 117 hours of in-game time! Which is even more than last months most active, which was 70 hours. This month this player achieved 47 hours more than last month.
As a prize Honest wins $2 in the Chotopia Market. Well, Congratulations to him for achieving such an amount of active hours, as well as being helpful and a friendly Agent. Make sure you come on and be active as another round of our most active Chotopian's will be picked this month, who will take up the mantle and achieve the most active Chotopian title?

Time will only tell and if you are active, then you may get chosen!

What do you think of the Most Active Chotopian of February?
Let us know in the comments below!


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