Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lack in Activity but not Absent Forever

Hey Everyone,

I want to apologise for the recent lack in posts as of late, I've been going through some interesting times where I haven't been able to post. But hopefully, in the next month I may pick up, as you also may know I left being an Agent, as I needed some time away from it, but it doesn't mean I am not going to help you anymore, as I am still always coming on when I do; and if you have any questions about the game then I'll be sure to help you out the best I can. But on the bright side, I really appreciate all the support here.

Thank you very much for understanding!

1 comment:

  1. ".... as you also may know I left being an Agent, as I needed some time away from it, but it doesn't mean I am not going to help you anymore, as I am still always coming on when I do; and if you have any questions about the game then I'll be sure to help you out the best I can." - this hurt so deep. hehe. lovely words. thanks for your help E>


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