Thursday, January 30, 2020

Game Night and the Chotopia Disco

Hey Everyone,

This week there are a few events going on in Chotopia. We have our Game Night on the 31st January 2020 at 8:00pm Cho Time, there is going to be some fun at the Academy and the Game Zone. But not only that there are going to be prizes for the chosen winners. There is going to be one winner per game and if you think there is just games, there might just be magic to enjoy, we hope to see you there!

There is also going to be a Chotopia Disco on the 2nd February 2020 at 7:00pm Cho Time on Cafe Street. On the day this event happens, you'll be teleported to the location and you'll notice that the event is on, because there is going to be magic and music too.

Are you excited about these events? Which one will you be able to participate in?
Let me know in the comments below!


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